
Sunday, September 13, 2009

Raw Bakery

This was a fun and busy weekend. My friend Gary (friend from this summer at Kripalu) is down here for the week for work and so we hung out with my friend Marie-Lies. On Friday night we went to a raw food / vegan restaurant here in Atlanta called Healthful Essence and we got raw pizza, which was delicious! I haven't had many raw pizzas that I like but this one, it was great and I will be back here again! It almost tasted like a deep dish pizza :-). Then after that we went to an awesome party with fire spinning, drumming, acro yoga, good food and good friends. Saturday we got up early to go to a local farmers market here in Atlanta that has a great selection of delicious fruits and veggies. We went to some art fairs during the day and then for dinner we had raw pizza again at the same restaurant Healthful Essence! Then, Marie-Lies and I made raw bread and we used the dough to make cinnamon rolls and cinnamon twists (very yummy!). I don't have an exact recipe for the bread because we kind of eyeballed it but I can give you a recipe estimate.

Raw Bread Ingredients:

6 cups of kamut
1/4 cup of flax seed oil
1/4 cup of water

Directions: Soak the kamut in water for eight hours. When done soaking, pour out the water. Mix the soaked kamut into a bowl with the flax oil and water. Process the mixture in a homogenizing juicer (omega juicer works well with the same setting for making nut butters). You can also use a food processor but you won't get the same dough like quality. After it has been processed, roll it out flat and then shape into desired bread pieces. To make the cinnamon rolls you simply roll out the dough and top it with honey and cinnamon. Place onto a dehydrator at 110 degrees for 8 - 10 hours and then it is ready.


  1. What a nice way to spend a weekend! The raw bread looks super easy. I think I'll add the honey/agave to the mix instead of water and see what it tastes like in cinnamon roll form. Thanks!

  2. Although I am GF, this recipe looks soooo easy. I wonder if I could tweak it with like oat or almond flour? I am getting a dehydrator and cannot wait to play around with things like this, thanks for posting!

  3. Wish I had a dehydrator so I could make this, it looks delicious and sounds so simple. Fabulous!

  4. Sounds like you had a very healthy weekend! It would be great to have restaurants here that offer raw food selections - I don't know of any yet.

    The recipe looks yummy. Thanks!

  5. I hope ya'll get a chance to try the bread. Thank you for your comments.

  6. Thanks for the recipe! I can't wait to try it.

  7. The food you made looks yum. I am gf so I am going to have to tweak this recipe a bit, but thanks for sharing. I did not realize Atlanta had raw food places to eat at. Good to know when I am in the area.

  8. Good luck tweaking the recipe! Maybe you could make flax bread or crackers. Definitely try out the places in Atlanta, especially Healthful Essence.

  9. Hi April,

    I've been following your blog(now and then) for little more than a year :) and I should tell you atleast now -'WOW!! Such a commendable job!!'

    You are inspiring me to go Raw. Will try for sure.

    Keep up the good work!!

  10. What is kamut? I have never heard of it? Oh and Voracious...maybe we could make a batch at my place once we work out where to get the ingredients? ;)

  11. Kamut is a type of grain. I buy mine here in Atlanta at the Dekalb Farmers Market. I guess a health food store may have it. Good luck!
