
Monday, November 23, 2009

Kale Salad

This kale salad has been one of my favorites lately. I am eating it today for lunch :-). So I have been coming to a conclusion on a new way of eating for myself. It is still raw but I feel that I focus so much on the gourmet raw foods and although they are yummy and I still want to make gourmet raw foods I need to take my focus back to pure fruits and veggies. I just get caught up in eating gourmet and my diet ends up being filled with so many nuts and little amounts of fruits and veggies. I really feel that the fresh fruits and veggies are where the real healing comes from. I will focus on getting my fats from avocados and coconuts and try using a very minimal amount of nuts and seeds. I can usually tell a difference in my body whenever I have eaten this way, I look a bit healthier and feel better too. Another cool thing is that I think I may end up saving some money doing this. Nuts and seeds tend to be more expensive than fresh fruits and veggies at least here in Atlanta. Today I went to the farmers market and I can get an entire bag of organic pink lady apples for $3.69 for 13 apples. I think I am going to try and make eating fruits and veggies the staple of my diet and save gourmet recipes for once a week or special occasions. I am still going to focus on making veggie juice daily.
Now Thanksgiving is coming up this week so I will be making some gourmet recipes for that! So far on the menu I am going to make green bean casserole (same as last year), chocolate pie (from avocado) with whip cream topping (coconut meat based), apple crisp, kale salad, cucumber salad and I want to try something new this year but am not sure what. I have enough desserts so I am thinking of another side dish. If you have any good suggestions for something new I should make let me know!
On another note I am putting out into the universe that I will have more yoga jobs. My goal is to have 2-3 yoga jobs a day each paying $50 and to teach M-F. May the universe provide this for me.
I guess that is all on my end, hope you all have a wonderful week!

Kale Salad Recipe:

1 head of kale
2 tablespoons of honey
1 avocado
1 carrot shredded

Directions: Chop the kale up fine, mix all ingredients together and eat!


  1. i'm surprised nuts are so expensive. compared to fruits and veggies, i find sunflower seeds pretty cheap.

  2. I know what you mean, I just keep wanting to try the gourmet raw recipes and I barely eat any fresh fruit and veggies. It's tough!

  3. I know exactly what you're talking about as far as the nuts and seeds go. I am doing the Master Cleanse because of too much of those.

    I LOVE kale salad! This one looks heavenly! Thanks for sharing :o)~

    Good luck on your yoga teaching journey!


  4. Yummy!
    Debra @ Vegan Family Style
    ps. check out the new giveaway on my blog!

  5. Thank you all for the comments!! I appreciate all of them!

  6. I do the same thing - in fact, recently all the gourmet raw foodery got me on a junk food & cooked food binge! I'm trying to get back to the simple goodness of simple raw foods.
