
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Chocolate Strawberry Pie - Decorated 3 Ways

Today I made my favorite chocolate pie (with avocado filling) and tried three different ways of decorating it. This is truly one of my favorite staple desserts.
In other news, I am going to start adding advice columns in my blog posts in regards to raw food but also just overall healthy living. I have been eating a very high percentage of raw foods for over three years now and I have a lot that I have learned that I can share with everyone. So look out for those coming soon. In the meantime I hope you all get a chance to try this delicious dessert! Cheers!

Strawberry Chocolate Pie:

Pie Crust (3 cups shredded dried coconut, 2 cups of dates, sea salt, 1/4 cup of honey)

Filling (3 avocados, 1 1/2 cups of honey, 1/2 cup of raw chocolate nibs or powder, 1/4 cup of coconut butter)

Directions: To make the pie crust put the 2 cups of dates in the vitamixer with 1/4 cup of water. Blend until you have a smooth consistency. Mix in the dates with the dried coconut, sea salt and if it is not sticky enough add some honey to the mixture. Press this crust into a pie pan. To make the filling put all of the filling ingredients into the vitamixer and blend until creamy and smooth. Fill the pie pan with the creamy chocolate filling and decorate the top with strawberries. Enjoy!