
Thursday, September 16, 2010

E-Book GiveAway Every Thursday in September!

It is Thursday again so it is time for another e-book giveaway. As a reminder I am doing this every Thursday for the month of September. Melissa was the winner of the giveaway last Thursday! In order to qualify for the e-book you simply have to leave a comment for this post answering the question: What is your favorite raw food recipe book? I will announce the winner of the drawing this coming Sunday night by midnight. Have a great day everyone!


  1. My absolute favorite is a swedish book called "salig blandning" by ReneĆ© Voltaire. As the name inicates in swedish, it´s a book with a great variety of recepies. All organic, amazing, mostley raw and above all Filled with LOVE<3

  2. Everyday Raw by Matthew Kinney! Yumm!

  3. At the moment I am LOVING Raw Magic by Kate Magic! Such a beautiful book, very funny, very cute and a great introduction to adding superfoods to your meals! xxx

  4. I like all of them and it's hard to pick a favorite! Raw Food Real World is probably the one I've used the most.

  5. My fave is Gabriel Cousen's Rainbow Green Live-food Cuisine. The recipes really helped get my health issues straightened out and are delicious!

  6. Thanks to all for the comments. These are some new books I have not heard of. I do have to say that my favorite is probably Raw Food Real World!

  7. I'm reading my first one, The Raw Food Detox Diet. I'm new to the game and trying to take as much in as possible!!

  8. Enjoying Raw Food Kitchen by Ani Phyo- also love her dessert book. Made strawberry macaroons this eve! YUM! ;P Have a lovely wknd!

  9. Every Day Raw by Matt Kenney is still one of my favorites!

  10. Grain Damage by Douglas Graham, it's simple and easy to read and say many things about the cooked diet.

    Best wishes...
