
Monday, October 31, 2011

Pumpkin Butternut Squash Soup

Happy Halloween!  I am answering the door to trick or treaters tonight and so far it is 7 pm and we haven't had one kid yet.  The good side of that is that I am able to write my post and the down side is that I would like to see some cute kids dressed up for Halloween.  For Halloween we bought the traditional Halloween candy.  I did look at some different options from whole foods but they were quite expensive.  The candy is not vegan or healthy but it was fun picking out the candy we would give away for Halloween.  Some of my favorites growing up were snickers and peanut butter cups.
For dinner tonight I made a delicious pumpkin butternut squash soup.  Pumpkins are everywhere and I got a small pumpkin intended for pumpkin pies for my soup that only cost me 69 cents.  The soup is warm and delicious and I am extremely happy with the end result.  Is that the door bell ringing, nope false alarm.  Where are the trick or treaters anyway?  What are you doing Halloween night?  Did you find something vegan to give away to kids or go with the traditional candy?
Pumpkin Butternut Squash Soup:
1 pumpkin (the kind I bought said it was a pumpkin pie pumpkin, a little bigger than a large softball).
1 butternut squash
1 onion chopped
2 cups of red lentils
1 tbsp onion powder
1 tbsp garlic powder
Dash of dried parsley
1 tbsp of cinnamon powder
Directions: Cook the lentils first bringing them to a on the stove and then lower the temperature to low to let it simmer.  Cut the pumpkin and butternut squash in half and place on an oiled pan. Set the oven to 350 degrees and place the pumpkin and butternut squash face down on the pan to cook.  Cook for 45 minutes to an hour checking to see when the pumpkin is soft and the butternut squash is soft.  Once done, scrape out the pumpkin and butternut squash and add that plus all other ingredients to the soup pot of lentils.  Cook on low for 20 minutes.  Use a vitamixer or blender and put the soup into it to puree the soup.  Then pour back into the pan to simmer for 10 minutes.  Finally, it is ready to serve and enjoy!


  1. Sounds awesome! Never tried pumpkin soup before. Thanks!

  2. Well, there is a time for everything! Definitely try it and let me know :-).
