
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Transitioning to a Vegan Diet: Would you Like Fries With That?

One of the questions that people often ask me when I tell them I am a vegan is, "Did you go cold turkey, giving everything up overnight?".  Although, there are many people who have done this, I am not one of them.  My journey towards a plant based lifestyle was something that happened gradually and it took about a year for me to fully transition to this way of eating.  I first began by reading about this lifestyle and the health benefits of eating this way.  After I was mentally convinced I wanted to eat a vegan / high raw food diet, I had to try and convince my body.  This was a whole new ballgame.  My body was used to eating processed foods, refined sugar, meat, and dairy were the centerpiece of every meal.

I started with cutting out the refined and processed foods and replacing them with fruits and vegetables.  I replaced my meat and dairy with organic versions, eating less because of the high price of organics.  I started experimenting with new vegan recipes, juicing, and making smoothies.  During this year it was very easy for me to fall back into my old way of eating.  I was tempted very easily and I gave into cravings quite often.  I often got frustrated with myself, but now I realize that I was forcing my body to make a very big change and it is best to be patient with our bodies during this time.

Slowly, as I found new vegan and raw food recipes that I enjoyed it was easier and easier for me to be completely vegan and high raw.  It became effortless almost and now, almost five years later, it is something I do without even thinking.  I think one of the most important thing to do is find recipes that you really like so you don't feel deprived during this process.

I don't know about you but I have always loved french fries.  I have always viewed them as a fun, special treat.  This may stem from my childhood: going to McDonald's was a treat and I always loved getting the special kids toy and eating fries.  Anyways, I still eat fries, just a healthier version now.  I use organic potatoes, sea salt, extra virgin olive oil, and then I bake them in the oven.  I use an organic ketchup from trader joe's that uses cane sugar as a sweetener.  I don't have them all of the time and still consider them a special indulgence but I love them!  How quickly did you transition to a vegan diet?

Baked Fries:

One pound of organic red potatoes
Pinch sea salt
1 tbsp virgin olive oil
1 tbsp dried parsley

Directions: Cut up your fries and mix them in a bowl with the olive oil, sea salt and parsley until evenly combined.  Spread them onto a baking sheet and cook at 350 degrees for 35 - 45 minutes.  Enjoy!


  1. Yummy! I've always loved French Fries too! I indulge in them the same way you do. ;)

  2. What kind of ketchup do you use, if any?

  3. I transitioned right away, once I decided to go vegan. But I'd been transitioning anyway, having found raw foods a few years before. Anyway, the fries look awesome!!

  4. Thanks for sharing Lisa! I always enjoy your blog.

  5. Last time I was baking potatoes, they got too dry. Is there anything I can add to make them softer?

  6. I usually make sure that each potato is covered with olive oil. This helps to keep the moisture in.
