
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day After Valentines Cookies: Whole Wheat Vegan Sugar Cookies and Self Care

Happy belated Valentines day!  Yesterday was such a busy day for me that I am just getting to posting these pictures today.  Whether you are in a relationship or are single, caring and loving yourself is an extremely healthy thing to do.  You can show yourself that you love you through your actions.  Take time to do things that make you happy, that make you feel inspired, and that help you to relieve stress.  It is not selfish to make time to do nice things for yourself.  In return your cup will be full and you will have so much more to give to others. 

Here are some examples of things you can do to care for yourself:
1.  Schedule a massage appointment.  I like to get a massage every other month as a way of taking care of myself.  Try a reflexology session for something new.  You can find ways to do this affordably if you are tight on money.  You can check out groupon or find a student massage clinic in your area.
2.  Exercise.  Exercise helps to relieve stress, boosts serotonin in the brain - the feel good neurotransmitters, and can be free!  It is important to make exercise a part of your life, whether it is walking at the park, taking a yoga class, or hiking. 
3.  Laugh.  Make time to do things that make you happy and make you laugh.  If there are certain friends you really enjoy being with, make it a priority to schedule time to spend with them.  I enjoy watching improv theatre in Atlanta.  This is something that makes me laugh so I try and schedule it into my calendar.
4.  Facial.  Do something that makes you feel refreshed.  I enjoy giving myself avocado facials twice a month (mash up avocado and smear it on your face, leave on for up to an hour).  This facial makes my skin feel extremely soft.  You could also try giving yourself a pedicure or getting a pedicure. 
5.  Give Back.  Giving back to others whether through our profession, volunteer work, families, or friends is important.  Let others know you love them, keep your commitments to other people, and find ways to give back through your own gifts and talents. 

I hope you enjoy some of my examples of self care suggestions.  Now, I just finished eating one of these yummy sugar cookies and I think they are even better the second day!  Yummy! 

Whole Wheat Vegan Sugar Cookies:

1 1/2 cup of whole wheat flour
1/2 cup of cane sugar
1/2 cup of olive oil
1 tsp of baking soda
1 tsp of sea salt
1 banana (blended until smooth in a blender)

Directions: Blend the dry ingredients: whole wheat flour, cane sugar, baking soda and sea salt.  Add the wet ingredients (olive oil and blended banana).  Roll it flat with a rolling pin.  Use heart cookie cutters to make the heart shapes.  Set the oven to 325 degrees and bake for ten minutes.  Take them out and let them cool for half an hour.

Pink Icing:
1 cup of young thai coconut meat
1/4 cup of honey
6 strawberries

Directions: Blend the above ingredients in a vitamixer or food processor until creamy and smooth.  Once the cookies are cool ice your cookies and enjoy!


  1. First of all, I'm going to say that I love your heartfelt advice and especially loved your "never forget to care and love yourself" message. Truer words were never written. :)

    Regarding your recipe, I don't usually use sugar so I'm wondering if there's something i can replace it with that would go well with your recipe?

    Thanks a mil!

  2. Raw Antonia,
    That is a good question. I have baked cookies before and used date paste as the only sweetener before. It may work well with sugar cookies but I have not tried it so I can not give you an exact recipe. All of my desserts listed in the recipe section of my blog contain desserts that use only dates or honey.

  3. Anastasia,

    Thank you, glad you like them!

  4. Raw Antonia,
    I was doing a little research on sugar substitution for cookies. In the book Vegan Cookies Invade your Cookie Jar, the authors suggest that you can use agave nectar to sweeten your cookies. They say that if the recipe calls for one cup of sugar you can substitute if for 3/4 of cup of agave nectar. They also suggest omitting other wet ingredients and adding a few more table spoons of flour to the mix. Hope this helps some.
