
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Wrap It Up! Home Made Vegan and Gluten Free Wraps

I love wraps!  I love to combine a variety of delicious tasting ingredients together, stick them into a wrap, and then chow down!  I saw a recipe for this particular wrap a few months ago and tried it about a month ago.  I have been so happy with it that I have made it a couple of times since.  I have been meaning to share this recipe on my blog but kept forgetting to take a picture.  I made these wraps for lunch today and right away I snapped a picture.  

In reference to the theme, wrap it up, I have thought of other ways this concept applies to my life.  I am dealing with some different challenges lately.  Many circumstances in my life are unresolved as I am looking at some possible career shifts, family changes, and as a result I have had more stress than usual.  I am trying to use what I learned in my yoga training to deal with the stress.  One mantra, or phrase I learned during my training was, inhale peace, exhale release.  I find that I use this phrase often when I am feeling overwhelmed.  It keeps me focused on the present moment rather than worried about the past or the future.  I love to use this phrase when I am in Atlanta traffic, which can be very stressful.

I also use breathing exercises to help me to deal with stress.  In yoga, we are taught that the breath symbolizes prana, which is our life force.  By taking deep, full breaths, we activate our parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for slowing our heart rate, blood sugar levels, and giving us an overall sense of calm and peace.  Focusing on my breathing keeps me from getting too worked up over a situation and helps me to stay connected to the here and now.  By focusing on the things I can control and letting go of those that I can not control I find peace.  Of course stress still does affect me but when I use these important life tools to deal with stress I find that I bounce back much more quickly.  And that's a wrap!  

Home Made Wraps:


1 cup of Garbanzo bean flour
1 cup of water
1 tbsp of onion powder
1 tbsp of dried parsley
1 tbsp of olive oil


1.  Combine all of the ingredients in a mixing bowl and stir until the lumps are  gone.
2.  Pour half of the olive oil on a frying pan over medium heat.  
3. Pour half of the batter into the pan.  Allow it to cook fully on one side, which may take five to ten minutes.  Flip it over and allow it to cook on the other side.
4.  Fill the wrap with your favorite fillings, eat and enjoy!

This recipe will make two wraps.


  1. could you dehydrate this instead?

  2. Anastasia@healthymamainfo.comApril 6, 2012 at 1:19 AM

    These pictures make me hungry! :)

  3. What magic is this?!? One of the things that people who aren't GF don't understand is that when you loose breads, you also lose the main transportation of food from the plate to your mouth. I tried using spring roll rice wraps for awhile, but the texture put me off before I was even full. Being vegan and GF, Mexican food is very important to my happiness, because of the fully integrated use of beans. I can't wait to try this out!

  4. Dear annonymous,
    I am not sure how this particular recipe would work dehydrated. I know that there are raw wraps that can be made but I personally have never made them. I have made raw breads that you can find in the recipe section of my blog.

    Raw Michelle,

    Thank you for referring to my recipe as magic :-). I hope you enjoy this recipe. I have made these wraps with black beans, rice and the whole Mexican theme and they are great!!

  5. Wow, this is great! I have the flour at home: Mexican dinner I am coming! Thank you so much!
    PS: I love avocado just as much as you do ;-)

  6. So do you add the oil to the batter or the pan only?
