
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Cheezy Broccoli

Broccoli is one food I don't enjoy eating raw. I would much rather have it in a stir fry or steamed than eating it raw. The only time I ever enjoyed eating it raw was when it was dipped in ranch dressing (before being a vegan). For some reason at the grocery store on Sunday I reached for the broccoli and put it in my shopping cart, not exactly sure what I was going to do with it. Today I decided I would make a cheezy broccoli for dinner and it was delicious :-). In other news, I have stepped up my cardio the past couple of weeks. Four days out of the week I either go to an intense step aerobics class for an hour or I run 2.5 miles which takes me about half an hour. I enjoy doing cardio because it gives me an extra boost in energy that seems to last the whole day. Without my cardio I can get a little sluggish feeling. Anyways, I will share my recipe with you, let me know if you try it out!
Cheezy Broccoli:
Ingredients - 2 heads of broccoli, 1/8th diced up onion, 2 tbsp of olive oil, sprinkle of sea salt, 1/2 cup of cashews, 1/8 portion of onion, sea salt and pepper to taste.
Directions: Slice up the broccoli and 1/8th of an onion and mix in with olive oil. Place on the dehydrator at 115 degrees for 3 hours. To make the cashew cheeze, in a vitamixer put 1/2 cup of cashews, onion and sea salt and blend until creamy and smooth. Pour a portion of the cheeze on the broccoli. Enjoy!


  1. That looks great!! I actually love raw broccoli so this will be another great raw broccoli recipe for me to try.
    Peace and Raw Health,

  2. Elizabeth,

    Thanks for your comment and good luck with it!

  3. Love your blog. The food looks great. I have never done the apple cinnamon crackers. I will have to try that. I usually go more savory with mine.

  4. Let me know if you like them! I love trying different varieties out!
