
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Adding more juices to my life...

So this week I have decided I want to start drinking vegetable juice again on a regular daily basis. Since Monday I have been drinking a giant glass of veggies. Yesterday I made celery, cucumber, and green bell pepper. I really like this combination and it tastes very refreshing to me. When I first got interested in raw foods I was so amazed by the stories of people healing themselves from cancer by juice fasting that I drank sooooo much vegetable juice to supplement myself everyday. Since Monday I have noticed that I feel more energetic by doing this. So, I think I will try and just make it a part of my lifestyle from now on. I feel like staying away from some of the heavier raw foods lately and sticking more towards the fruits and veggies making lots of salads, smoothies and juices. In other news I just recently started teaching my own eight class yoga series and it has been going well! I am excited about my class and excited to know that I may actually be able to be a full time yoga teacher when I get back from Kripalu as a means of supporting myself. My classes in school are going well. I am so glad I took this semester to go back to college and really focus on doing creative classes that inspire me and I actually feel my voice lessons, piano lessons and acting classes have helped me to improve my self confidence a lot! I am off to memorize lines for a class scene I am doing and make myself some vegetable juice for breakfast! Yum!


  1. Those juice colors are so beautiful! I need to add more in my daily routine too. Hey, I have a new blog- I'm trying to get new followers, will you sign up? I've only had it for 2 weeks, so I'm pretty new!btw I didn't get to go to Atlanta so hopefully I can go to Whole Foods in Jacksonville this weekend.


  2. Melinda! Hey! Thanks! yes I will follow your blog :-). Good to see you!

  3. Oh my gosh. I just stumbled across your blog from Gena's, which I came across via Jenna's, and I've just go to say that I'm already in awe of you and your life style. I love yoga and am planning on trying to"raw-ify" my diet when I get home out of interest, curiousity, and craving for that fresh, energetic spirit that you raw foodies talk about :). Would you mind if I added you to my blog list for some extra inspiration?

  4. I would love for you to add me to your blog roll. Thanks! I will check out your blog!

  5. April, these juices look amazing!

    Speaking of blogrolls, I just added you -- would you add me? Danielle, you're up on my site now :)


  6. Gena,

    Hey girl. Yes I will add you to my blog roll :-).

  7. Hey girl!
    You're going to Kripalu?!?! OMG, when? For the teacher training program? Thats the one I took. I've you've never been there before, its amazing!
    Hope all is well!

  8. Thanks. I am not going there for teacher training but for the work exchange program. I am both nervous and excited :-).
