
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Gourmet Party Cheeze Dip...

I made this the other day to take as a snack with me to school. I actually was trying to make raw mock tuna fish but put way too much parsley in it and it turned green and then I decided it was like a cheeze dip. I like it a lot :-). I did not make these crackers so don't get too excited. I bought them, they are Mary's crackers. They are made out of various seeds and although they are not raw I do still eat them from time to time. My semester is school is slowly coming to an end and my adventure to Kripalu is beginning. I bought my plane ticket to New York today and I will be in New York one night and then the next day I will take a bus to Kripalu. I plan on going to Pure Food and Wine and I also want to watch a broadway show. So, I have still been making vegetable juice daily as well as fruit smoothies. I think the vegetable juice is giving me a lot of nutrition and helps to keep unhealthy cravings at bay. Something I will miss being at Kripalu is having my own kitchen, food and equipment to experiment in. I know they will have a great deal of raw organic food selections to choose from though. I have also heard there is a raw chef in the kitchen and so I hope we get an occasional raw dessert! I don't know how many recipes I will be able to share while I am there on this blog but I guess I can just document the raw food that I am eating!

Gourmet Party Cheeze Dip Recipe:

1 cup of raw cashews
1 cup of raw sunflower seeds
1/4 cup of chopped onions
1/4 cup of parsley
3 tablespoons of lemon juice
1 teaspoon of sea salt

Directions: Put all of these ingredients into the food processor and mix until well combined! I used an ice cream scooper to make this nice round shape. Hope you enjoy it!


  1. Remember Michael, the raw vegan chef I told you about at Kripalu? Well, he and Tim Van Orden just started a new raw food meet-up in the Berkshires! Perfect timing, huh? You'll get to meet lots of new raw foodies while you're there.

  2. Earthmother!

    Are you serious! That is soooooooo awesome!! Thanks for letting me know!!! I can't wait, only a few weeks away until I leave!
