
Thursday, April 16, 2009

Lemon Tart for my brother's birthday...

I made this lemon tart last night for my brother. His birthday is today! Happy Birthday Stevie! We will eat this tonight when he gets home but I tasted the filling while I was making it and I think it is going to be delicious! I am so into making pies and tarts that I still have never made a raw cake yet. One of these days I will step into that realm I suppose.
I am definitely ready for this semester of school to end. I have learned a lot but am tired of memorizing lines and having homework. Right now I am missing Belly Acres a bit (a performing arts commune in hawaii). I loved working and playing with people and living so simply in such beautiful surroundings. I have a feeling that I will like Kripalu as much as I liked Hawaii. I am also glad to be putting off the real world a bit longer. I still feel unsure of where I fit in this world. I know that I love being creative and love dance, theatre, singing, making beautiful raw foods, painting, yoga and love being in an inspiring setting where I am challenged to grow. I am hoping that being at Kripalu will give me some more insight into myself and help me figure out this path that I am on a little bit better. Sending out love and peace to everyone reading this. Now for my recipe!

Lemon Tart:

3 cups of almonds
1 1/2 cup of dates
1 tablespoon of vanilla
1 teaspoon of sea salt

1 cup of coconut meat (from a coconut, please don't use coconut from a can!)
1/8 cup of coconut water
1 cup of agave nectar
6 tablespoons of coconut butter
2 lemons squeezed

Directions: Place the almonds in a food processor and grind them until they are very fine. Add the dates, vanilla and sea salt into the food processor and mix until it starts to clump together. Spread the crust out into a pie pan. Place all of the filling ingredients into a vitamixer and mix until smooth and silky. Next pour the filling into the crust and let it sit in the fridge or freezer for a few hours. Garnish the pie with lemon wedges and then serve!!!


  1. Mmm, lemon tart sounds and looks so refreshing! What a lucky brother you have!

  2. Lady, you've gotta give me some tips on raw dessert making! This looks great!

  3. Thanks girls! I can't wait to try it! I have to wait for my brother to get home and I don't know when that will be I am tempted to just take a slice but I'll wait! Gena, desserts are by far my favorite and they are really not that hard once you get the hang of it!

  4. Coconut from a can is rank! I'm glad you pointed that out. When I was new to raw, I tried using something called 'coconut cream' from a can - it was the worst, most foul smelling thing ever. I'm glad i've progressed my culinary skills beyond that mistake from 2 years ago!

  5. Yes I agree! Sometimes it is hard to figure out what is raw and what isn't when your just learning. Fresh coconut is just so delicious and smells amazing!

  6. Wow that looks so delicious! I am really impressed with this recipe of yours. And I agree, fresh coconut is just divine!

  7. Thanks! Now I know where to find this recipe = )

  8. This looks and sounds amazing. I hope to make this and try it for myself.

  9. hubby made one this afternoon and it's gorgeous. thank you
