
Sunday, April 19, 2009

Fun with chocolate...

This Saturday I got together with another raw foodie here in Atlanta to make some raw chocolate dessert! Her name is Marie and I met her at a local potluck. She works at the school for the deaf and is an awesome person. Her boyfriend has a masters degree in Spanish and teaches Spanish at a local community college. Our theme ended up being chocolate. We made the Super Caramel Tarts from Sunny Raw Food Kitchen's blog and chocolate ice cream. It was fun to have someone as excited about making raw food as I am. We made the ice cream first, then we went to Life Cafe for dinner. Marie got a roasted red pepper sandwhich and I got the raw tacos. I also got a pasta to go for lunch the next day. The prices here were pretty good ($7 for a meal and both our dinners included a salad) and the food was pretty good as well. Then, we went back to her place and made the Super Caramel Tarts! When we were all done we ate our desserts and they were delicious. I had a tart today after lunch and they were even better after sitting in the fridge over night! After we ate our desserts we went to a drum circle close to where she lives. We watched people dancing, watched fire spinning, did some acro yoga and all in all it was a fun day! I hope we get a chance to get together and make some more recipes before I leave for Kripalu. To get the Super Caramel tarts recipe go here. We didn't measure everything for the chocolate ice cream but I am posting a close enough recipe.
Chocolate Ice Cream Recipe:

2 cups of coconut meat (it took us 4 young thai coocnuts to get this much meat)
1 cup of raw cashews that have been soaked
1 cup of cocoa beans
1 tablespoon of vanilla
1 cup of agave nectar

Directions: Process all of the ingredients in a vitamixer. Follow the directions for the ice cream maker after this. Enjoy the ice cream!


  1. It was a very fun day :) -Marie

  2. Marie,

    Yes it was! Thanks for having me over!

  3. I love that one picture in the middle, looks like you're going to fight over it! YUM

  4. Gena,

    Glad your drooling :-). Mandy, I suppose we might have fought over it if there was only one chocolate tart. We had twelve others though so we shared them :-).

  5. Coconut ice cream is delicious! I'm glad you tried the caramel tarts - I've been wondering whether to make them. Now I know they're good!

  6. Woo! I love raw food recipe photos! Somehow they always make me hungrier though... but these looks absolutely delicious.

    Thanks for sharing, I love seeing what other people are up to. Your girls look fabulous too! ;)

  7. Gloria,
    They are quite good so I definitely recomend making them! In fact I just finished eating one!

    Yes I love raw food photos as well! I never get tired of looking at them while drooling. Thanks for your comment!

  8. i love coconut-based ice cream. sounds like a fun time!

  9. Everything looks tasty !

    I added you to my blog list!

  10. Sharon, Yes we had a lot of fun!

    Shernell, Cool, thanks for adding me to your blog list!
