
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Raw Chocolate Chip Cookies!

I made these chocolate chip cookies on Sunday and here is a picture of them! They had to stay in the dehydrator over night so Marielies kept them in her dehydrator and brought my half to me last night (Monday) when she came to my yoga class. We followed the recipe from Cafe Gratitude's book Sweet Gratitude. I must say this is one of my favorite raw dessert recipe books! It is chocked full of amazing recipes that will delight your friends! I highly recomend this book for raw desserts! Plus it is full of inspiring beautiful photographs of mouthwatering raw food! Anyways, the cookies are good although they do taste a bit healthy. I would like to continue tweaking the chocolate chip recipe to make one that truly tastes like the real thing but these are pretty darn good I must say :-). I plan on packing some with me on my plane ride up to New York!
Only five days until I leave for New York and then take a bus to Kripalu! My schedule is so paked until then that I am not exactly sure when I will pack but am not to worried about it either! On Friday I am getting together with a friend who wants to learn how to make raw desserts. I think I will have us make a cheeze cake. On Saturday Marielies and I are hoping to have a raw food potluck in piedmont park. Then I leave early Sunday morning. While at Kripalu I will not have a kitchen so I am not sure how many recipes I will be able to post over the summer! I will be documenting my raw food I eat at Kripalu and have heard there are raw food potlucks so maybe if I make some raw friends I will get to experiment in the kitchen a bit.
When I go to New York I am planning on going to Quintessence for lunch and Pure Food and Wine for dinner! I will be taking lots of pictures and posting those too!

Chocolate Chip Cookies recipe:

Cookie batter:
5 cups of almond flour
2 tablespoons of vanilla (powder or liquid)
1 1/4 cup of agave nectar
2 teaspoons of sea salt

Fudge Chunks:
1 cup of cocoa butter
3 vanila beans
1 cup agave syrup
1/2 cup cocoa nibs
1 cup of cocoa powder
3/4 cups of almond butter (I just used almonds)
1/2 teaspoon of salt

Directions: I made the almond flour by putting the almonds in a food processor until they turned into a powder. Then you combine the rest of the ingredients and mix until well combined. Make the fudge chunks by melting the cocoa butter in the dehydrator and then mixing all the rest of the ingredients in the vitamixer. Pour the fudge on a pan lined with wax paper and place in the freezer for about 30 minutes. Cut up the fudge chunks and then mix them in with the cookie batter. Make into circular shapes and place in the dehydrator at 105 degrees for 24 hours.


  1. Chocolate chip cookies are my favorite!! I've yet to try them raw!

  2. Ooh, I will have to try these cookies and thanks for the info on Sweet Gratitude I was planning on ordering that book at some point. I made a raw chocolate cookie recipe once with coconut butter, agave, cashews, oat groats and cocoa powder and they were delicious.. I like the oaty flavour and they taste less healthy-ish, maybe change the base for the cookies??

  3. Hey, yes definitely buy sweet gratitude. Actually I am loving the choc chip cookies more and more! But that does sound like a tasty base for a cookie! Thanks!

  4. I'd love to find a plate of these in my lawn! :D

    You must be getting verrrrry excited. Have you found out what department you'll be in yet? Be sure to look up Michael from Berkshires Raw in the kitchen. He's expecting you. If I make it up there this summer, I'll be sure to track you down and introduce myself.

    Have a wonderful summer, April!

  5. Earthmother,

    You have always been such a great source of encouragement to me! Thanks! Yes, I will be looking for Michael! My birthday is in June maybe he would make me a raw birthday cake! One can only hope! Yes, if you come up there I would love to meet you! Thanks for all the support and hopefully I will get to meet you! I hope you also have a wonderful summer!

  6. Wow, your raw food creations sure do look scrumptious! I've enjoyed perusing your blog. :o)

    ...Enjoy NY!

  7. Tammy,

    Thanks, glad you have enjoyed my blog! I will enjoy NY!
