
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Chocolate Coconut Banana Smoothie!!! My New Favorite!!!

I just recently bought two pounds of raw chocolate and just made this smoothie the other day. It was so good that I had to make it again today and this time I took a picture of it!!! I have been making lots of smoothies lately and this is my new favorite one!! It tastes a little bit like chocolate milk. In this picture you can see all of the fruit in the back ground and our omega juicer!!!
So on to other news in my life. I am back in Atlanta, adjusting to life in the real world. Since I have gotten back I have gotten to do acro yoga (so fun), go to dad's garage and watch improv (seeing all my buddies there), and make raw foods. This week I have really been buckling down on getting yoga jobs. I will be working at the college and one cool benefit to that is that I am able to take some free classes so I will probably take voice lessons, maybe dance and art classes. Very excited about that. I also am meeting with a woman today who owns a Ladies Workout Express and wants to talk with me about creating a Seniors Yoga program. Looking honestly at my life right now there are a lot of things I want to change. Every morning I have been either climbing stone mountain, running or and doing yoga. I am doing this to help get the chi flowing in my body so that I am open to create the opportunities I want and need in my life. I am trying not to worry but trusting that the doors of opportunity will open up to me and my life's purpose and passions will unfold with grace and ease. Okay, here is the recipe for my new favorite smoothie!!!
Chocolate Coconut Banana Smoothie:
1 Thai young coconut (meat and water from this coconut)
2 tablespoons of agave nectar
2 tablespoons of raw chocolate
1 banana
4 ice cubes
** Open the young Thai coconut and scrape out the meat (p.s. you can watch my video on how to open a coconut if you are unsure!). Put the contents into the blender, add the agave, chocolate, banana and ice cubes and mix until thoroughly smooth!!! Then, savor every sip!!!


  1. Oh my, talk about heaven in a glass - delicious!!

    That's wonderful about the free classes - have fun/enjoy!!

  2. Oooh, that sounds yummy April:)~ I absolutely LOVE yoga. I hope you find your niche!

  3. Thanks so much!! It is reallllllllly good!!

  4. I think I am going to have to try this one!!1 Looks good!

  5. The smoothie looks delicious. And it's healthy - a winning combination!

    I just took a beginner's yoga class and really liked it. It was very relaxing.

    I'd like to get some dvd's so I can continue to practice the poses at home.

  6. Oh my gosh this sounds deelish! I really do need to buy some raw chocolate, i miss it.

  7. This sounds GREAT! I love smoothies and I love chocolate so you can bet I would loooove this smoothie. Thanks for sharing your recipe.

  8. Hope you all try it and have great success!!! Thanks for the comments!!

  9. thanks for helping me decide what to make for breakfast tomorrow!

  10. Your welcome!! Hope you like it :-).

  11. Oh seriously you are a girl after my own heart. We made a similar recipe here

    And it has been a favourite EVER since.

    I am really loving your blog :D

  12. That is awesome! So glad you are hanging out on my blog :-)!

  13. This is delicious. I have made it several times since finding this recipe. Thanks for sharing!
