
Sunday, August 9, 2009

Raw Chocolate Candy

The day after I got back from New York my dear raw foodie friend Marie-Lies and I got together to "play" in the kitchen. We made ice cream cones from Matthew's Everyday Raw book and let me tell you, you MUST try them. They are great, and I am a very picky raw foodie when it comes to taste! We made mint chocolate chip ice cream to go into the cones. We also got this recipe from Everyday Raw. Although, we tweaked it a bit by omitting the cashews and using the same amount in fresh coconut meat. Again, I did like the flavor of the ice cream but I still feel like I am not getting the right consistency with it. It tasted a little icy to me. I am not sure what needs to be tweaked but in time I am sure I Will experiment enough to get it right! We also made these beauties, chocolate candy! We used the recipe for the chocolate chips in Cafe Gratitude's dessert recipe book to make these and they turned out perfect! I definitey would say that they have the same consistency as regular, "real chocolate". Also, the cocoa butter keeps them from melting easiy so you don't have to worry about that aspect. I gave many of them as a birthday gift and kept a few to savor with my family! They make great gifts and I am thinking that during Christmas I will make these out of Christmas molds with different flavored filings! I don't want to give the recipe since it is not my own but the ingredients are cocoa butter, agave, almond butter, and raw chocolate powder.
Today I went to a raw food potluck here in Atlanta and there was quite a turnout, a little over thirty people. More and more people are learning about raw and taking charge of their life and it is inspiring. One man has lost fifty pounds in six months, another man there today healed himself of cancer through raw foods and is now teaching his entire family about the benefits.
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!


  1. Such tantalizing chocolates; and I'm glad to read that the potluck was a success!!

  2. My little guy is turning 4 soon and I was hoping to do some raw snacks at his party...these would be perfect! Maybe one day I can make it to Atl for a potluck, it's not to far!

  3. Yes these are very good, easy to make and people are usually impressed with them! Yes, we would love to see you in Atlanta for a potluck!

  4. Mmmmmmmm, yummy:)~ Sounds like a fun potluck!

  5. Where could I find out about raw potlucks in Atlanta? I would love to meet more raw foodies!

  6. You can go to to find out about more. There is one going on almost every weekend now!
