
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Quiche with Arugula Salad

I was at my friend Marie-Lies house and she gets a raw food magazine ( I have forgotten what it is called). Anyways, there was a recipe in there for a quiche that looked great. I did not have the exact recipe but sort of remembered the ingredients and created this last night and ate it today for lunch. I must say that I will be making this again! However, next time I will probably make a cashew crust for it just because I think it would look adorable.

In other news, I have eaten 100% raw now for 26 days without even trying! It seems to be coming more and more natural to me. Experimenting in the kitchen definitely helps to keep my taste buds satisfied! I feel that the culinary world of raw food is unlimited and is open for creative minds to play! I have four different yoga jobs lined up and my first one will begin next Tuesday night. In order to actually have income, however, I will be taking a job as a waitress at a restaurant/bar. I have applied to work so many places with no responses and though I don't agree with the lifestyle of drinking I do enjoy socializing and meeting new people so that part should be great. On another note, yesterday and today I ran 2.5 miles. Running seems to be getting easier while I eat raw food. Well, here is the recipe for my quiche:
Quiche -
1 zucchini
3 medium tomatoes
1/4 onion
1 package of mushrooms
2 cups of cashews
1 tablespoon of sea salt
1/2 cup of clean water ( mine was fresh from a local spring!)
Directions: Make the cashew cream sauce first. Put the cashews, water, and 1/8 cup of onion into a vita mixer and mix until creamy. Slice all of the veggies up very small and mix them in with the cashew cream sauce. Use 6 inch tart pans and place the mixture in the pans. Place the tarts into the dehydrator for 14 hours set to 115 degrees. Serve and enjoy!


  1. Easy and yum! Thanks April! Let us know how the yoga classes go. That is so awesome! I hope the new job is a good fit.

  2. Your quiche looks delicious. And I was so excited to see that you have been raw for 26 days. I recently began my journey into raw food (about a month or so ago) and although I am not 100% raw I am definitely headed there.

    I look forward to following your journey!

  3. You have some great sounding raw food recipes. I look forward to trying some.

  4. sadly I bought some arugula and it's most likely gonna go to waste. I can't get past the smell much less the taste. blech.

  5. OMGoodness this looks freaking delicious. I am going to make it very soon and credit you for it. And congrats for the 26 days raw. You go girl :D

  6. Thanks to everyone for the great comments! I appreciate everybody's feedback!

  7. I tried the quiche and it was very delicious. I will definitely be making it again :)

  8. Awesome! Thanks for letting me know :-)!

  9. The one big mistake a lot of people make when switching to raw foods is to not count their fat content. Judging from your recipes,
    I think it would be a good idea to monitor that for a few days.
