
Friday, August 28, 2009

Chocolate Crispy Cereal with Coconut Milk

I made this chocolate crispy cereal the other night and have been eating it as a snack but also as a cereal with coconut milk. I found that it stays crispy just like real cereal and is very tasty :-)! So, today is my 28th day eating raw and I will definitely say that it has physical benefits. My skin is definitely clearer and my hair is healthier. I feel that my body is naturally going towards eating raw rather than forcing myself in that direction. Today I have been working on an outline for a course syllabus for my yoga class at the community college. I have also been reading books on yoga for seniors since I will be teaching a yoga for seniors class at a community center. I really would like to start teaching yoga for kids. I did some workshops this summer for kids yoga and want to get some more books on it and start teaching it. It is a very playful and fun form of yoga.
Well, here is the recipe for my cereal and for the coconut milk. I hope you get a chance to try them and enjoy them!

Chocolate Crispy Cereal:
3 cups of dried coconut
1/2 cup of honey
1/4 cup of raw chocolate
1/4 cup of dates
1 teaspoon of sea salt

Directions: Place the dry ingredients into the food processor and mix until very fine. Next add the wet ingredients and mix until thoroughly combined. Finally place the cereal on a dehydrator tray at 115 degrees for 12 hours.

Coconut Milk:
1 thai young coconut (use the milk and the meat)
1 vanilla bean
1 banana
6 ice cubes

Directions: Place all ingredients into a vitamixer and mix until you have a creamy milk like consistency.


  1. Oh my, such a divine combination and treat!

  2. What happens if ya don't have a dehydrator? How can we make it without one? Sounds yummy.

  3. Thanks Veggie Girl!!
    If you don't have a dehydrator I am not sure that the cereal will stay hard with the milk. You can try it and see. I have a nesco dehydrator which only cost me 30 bucks so it is not as much as the excalibur. Good luck.

  4. Love the new blog header and recipes!

  5. This looks great! Very creative, I just imagine how awesome this is.

  6. This looks delicious!I am liking the combination of the chocolate and the coconut

  7. Just wanted to say hi. Sorry it has been so long. I love the new look of your site, as well as the chocolate crispy rice cereal. It looks like something simple I can have around the house for convenience purposes. I need all the help I can get now that my new addition has arrived.

  8. Thanks and congratulations on your new baby! How exciting! Yes it is so simple you should try it :-)!

  9. April~ We miss you here in the basement of the Krip! I started a vegan diet on August 1st, still going strong. Am totally inspired by your recipes and blog. Wish you were here so we could dish! Thinking of starting a vegan/raw/macro restaurant in Kansas. Will keep you posted. Jai Bhagwan, Baby!

  10. Liz,

    Thanks! I miss you guys too! I am glad you like the recipes, thanks for checking out my blog!!

  11. Wow I just found your blog...hello and thank you for all the great pics and recipes! You're in my googlereader now, I'll be back :)

  12. Glad to have you reading my blog! I like yours as well :-)!

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. I love your blog! you are one of the most genuine bloggers out there. Good luck with teaching yoga, sounds like a lot of fun!

  15. Wow, I apprecaite that :-)! Yes I love teaching yoga!

  16. You can buy raw honey. It is in more of a solid formation rather than a liquid.

  17. Thank you for answering.
