
Monday, October 26, 2009

Pad Thai

For dinner tonight I made Pad Thai. I think it tastes pretty good. I have been making green juice every day like I said I would in my last post. I like doing this because I think it makes my hair healthier and shinier. My juices have consisted of celery as the base, apple, (and then I switch out between spinach, kale, and parsley). It is a good mixture because I am getting a lot of greens but the apple makes in pallatable. I am trying to eat 100% raw (the story of my life). This weekend I was feeling a bit out of sorts and moody and I automatically go for the comfort vegan foods. I made a menu for myself for the week to help me stay on track eating raw food. Some of the things on my menu are "mock tuna", spaghetti, flax crackers with guacamole, and veggie juice. I also have plans to get together with my good friend Maire-Lies and make raw Halloween goodies. Some of what we have planned are halloween sugar cookies with icing and Halloween shaped chocolates filled with organge and green fillings.
Pad Thai Recipe:

Noodles: 2 zucchini
2 carrots
(use a spiralizer or veggie peeler to make thin noodles)

Sauce: 1 cup of water, 1 cup of cashews, 3 table spoons of honey, 4 dates, pinch of sea salt, 1 lime, 1 teaspoon of fresh ginger, 1 clove of garlic, 1/8 piece of an onion (mix all of these ingredients together in a vitamixer until smooth).

Finally, pour the sauce onto the veggie noodles and garnish with chopped mushrooms and chopped green onions.


  1. Great job on sticking with the juicing! it really does make a difference : )

    The pad thai looks great! I think I'll add a little coconut milk instead of water for some extra flavor. Thanks!

  2. Yes, adding coconut milk instead would make this recipe perfect! I am going to try it next time!!!

  3. I'm still new to the raw food diet and have yet to start making actual recipes. I'm still eating lots of salads and fruit on it's own. This pad thai looks delicious and pretty easy to make - it'll be one of the first recipes I try for sure!

  4. This is such a cool recipe! Thanks, April. Hope you're well.

  5. Garlic Girl, hope it turns out well for you!
    Gena, hope you get to try it. I am well and hope you are too!

  6. Would love to see the Halloween cookie recipes!! =) I've been making a lot of green drinks too, with Amazing Grass, pears, apples, kiwi, avocado, banana...mmmm love them! They give me a ton of energy in the AM.

  7. I will definitely post them up soon! I can't wait to see how they turn out myself! yes, green drinks are awesome!
