
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Simple Snack: Flax crackers and guacamole

So my snack / lunch this week has consisted of these flax crackers with guacamole. I love making flax crackers because they are so quick and easy and I can make yummy dips to eat them with! In other news I have taught one yoga class today and have two more to go. Then, tonight I am watching improv at Dad's garage with my friend Gary who just got into town from NYC. I will have to pack tonight because tomorrow around 12 I am carpooling to Brunswick, GA for a weekend of acro yoga! Last night my dad used my pizza recipe and made four pizzas all by himself. I am trying to encourage him to learn how to make raw food so he doesn't have to depend on me to make it. I tried it this morning and it turned out perfect! He wants to make some for a thanksgiving potluck going on at his work next week.
Last Friday I got my hair trimmed and cut into layers. I really like it and feel it helps to give my hair more body. I took a picture of my hair after I curled it (which I don't do too often) and so that is the picture here. I hope you all have a great weekend!

Flax Crackers Recipe:
3 cups of flax seeds
1 cup of water
Soak the flax seeds in water for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes you should have a nice flax type paste. Spread the paste onto a dehydrator trays and set it to 110 degrees leaving them in for 10 hours. Then I just break them apart and have nice crackers for dips! Enjoy!


  1. Can't live without guacamole! Yum :)

    LOVE your new 'do!

    Have fun watching improv!

  2. Thx for the ratios and the temp/time. With dehydrating there is so much flexibility but it's nice to hear *exactly* what someone did for optimal results. Thx!

  3. Love the hair! I bet it does feel super bouncy : )

    I make similar flax crackers and add my juice pulp sometimes. Those are actually in the dehydrator right now : )

  4. Thanks for the comments. I don't think I could go on living without guacamole! Seriously!

  5. These look yummy! I'm going to have to try them when I get a new dehydrator. Hopefully I can find one soon.

  6. You look gorgeous!! Love the haircut! very flattering on you:)

  7. Wow, nice ... i'm just starting learning yoga ...

  8. You are just gorgeous. Look at you! And the flax cracker recipe. I definitely have to finally make em :)

  9. Your too sweet! Yes flax crackers are such an easy staple!

  10. Perfect for my low carb diet. I am making this today. Great recipe.

  11. Hello April, thanks for the support. I left a question on your yoga blog concerning your classes. Respond whenever you have a chance. Take care.

  12. Mr. Gumby,

    I am sorry but I haven't seen where you posted the question. Could you repost it or let me know where you posted the question?


  13. Sorry about the lack of detail in my previous post. It is located under "comments" for the "Fall 2009 Schedule" post. The questions I had were:

    1. Are all of the classes open to the public?

    2. What is the cost per class? I am interested in the Tuesday 6-7pm session.

    3. Are they all Vinyasa flow?

    I have been looking for a yoga group with a kind of community following not your typical gym membership setup. I viewed the "Yoga Retreat and Peanut Butter Cookies" post and I thought it looked awesome. Not just the yummy cookies but the retreat. Do you host events like this often?

  14. Well, most classes I teach are at colleges which are only available for college students. My Tuesday and Thursday night class is open to the public and it is also at a gym. I have more of a yoga community with my friends who do acro yoga at Jai shanti yoga studio in Atlanta. The retreat I attended was not one that I hosted but one my friend Todd (who teaches acro yoga) hosted. The group of us have created a community that is nice to be a part of.

  15. Cool. Thanks for the information.

  16. do you think that this would work with sesame seeds? I have a need for calcium in my diet and am looking for ways to incorporate calcium rich foods.
