
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What is up!

I have been making new dishes in the kitchen lately but haven't been taking pictures. I made some amazing cookies with a chocoalte topping that I will be making again because the cookie consistency is so perfect! I have made flax crackers this week and have been eating those with guacamole and "mock tuna" which is delicious. I still have been juicing my greens everyday for breakfast and feel it is really good for me and keeping me healthy.
In other news I am truly enjoying teaching yoga! I love teaching in general and love helping people connect with their bodies. Today in my college yoga class I taught yoga dance and had the students split into groups and create their own yoga dance which was so fun to watch. This weekend I am going on an acro yoga retreat in south georgia and am super excited about it. It is going to be held at an eco village where a large emphasis is on living self sustainably (growing your food, solar power everything, recycling, etc). I hope to learn and gain connections with others interested in living more self sustainably as well as have fun practicing yoga.
One of my friends from Kripalu is coming to Atlanta tomorrow. He is the stage manager for the Rockettes Radio Christmas show and since I know him I get to go to the show for free which I am soooooooooo excited about! I absolutely love the theatre and love going to shows.
I just recently found out that Forbes magazine voted Atlanta the number one most toxic city in the United States! Knowing this makes me want to eventually move away from Atlanta to somewhere pure and clean. I would love to live in a community with like minded people, growing our food using our skills to live self sustainably, learning and growing together.
These pictures above are of me with some of my improv acting buddies and I am trying to teach them acro yoga. Have a great day and I hope to have some food pics up next week!


  1. Ive been a registered yoga teacher since 2001 and one of my teacher friends in San Diego (Michelle Bouvier) is huge into acro yoga. I would love to pursue that form more, I am into ashtanga and I am starting to teach here in Phoenix, we just moved here 2 mos ago from So Cal. And I know what you mean about taking pics, it's alot of work so sometimes it's easier to just skip it!

  2. Acro yoga is my favorite! I am lucky to have classes here in Atlanta!

  3. How cool April! Yoga dance is fun and very freeing! Have fun at the acro yoga retreat! I've never heard of that yoga before.

  4. You should google acro yoga. It is my favorite!
