
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Recent Pictures and 33rd Day Raw

So, my 33rd day eating raw and things are going well. I am enjoying eating nice big salads. My salad this week that I can't get enough of is ice burg lettuce with guacamole and salsa. I just love that stuff. I have also been eating lots of cantaloupe this week, grapes and my staple grapefruit banana smoothie. Yum! A few weeks ago I went to the botanical gardens and so these are some pictures taken from that day. I guess it was close to 20 days raw at this point. I made sure to take a picture next to the kale growing in the bath tub :-). This salad was made for a picnic and it was delicious! Have a great day!

Picnic Salad:
Bunch of Spinach
Bunch of Mixed Greens
2 avocaods
Handful of strawberries
3 mushrooms chopped thinly
1 tbsp honey

Directions: Bring this salad on a picnic and enjoy!!


  1. You look lovely. Raw food is doing good things for you. =)

  2. I can see the Raw Glow : ) Isn't it wonderful to get out in the beautiful sunshine?

  3. isn't it great to feel and look so radiant? i love this raw transition, glad we're making it together!

    - Rick

  4. Rick,

    Thanks for all of the comments. I love your blog btw and raw does do amazing things :-).

  5. Hi! I've been following your blog and love watching your adventures! I haven't ever been a big fruit-in-a-salad person for some reason but those strawberries and greens look yummy! I think I might try that!

    And, you look beautiful! :)

  6. Thanks Candice! Definitely try the salad:-).

  7. Great job! Keep it up. You are looking so radiant and healthy!

    James Reno
