
Friday, June 4, 2010

Putting my dog Daisy on the raw food diet for 30 days...

Our family dog Daisy is a mixed breed. We got her when I was 15 and now she is 13 years old. So, she has started to develop lumps on her body. She has got one on her leg and one on each side of her body. She still gets around and doesn't seem to be in pain but I hate to see her getting ill. Anyways, my dad doesn't have the money to have the lumps removed and I don't have the money either. So, this weekend I was talking with my dad and we decided to put her on the raw food diet. Her entire life she has eaten typical dried dog food. So, starting this past Saturday May 29th Daisy has only been fed raw foods. It is hard to find things she will eat but we are able to get her to eat avocados, watermelon and apples. That is about it right now but I am hoping the longer we do this the more things she will eat. We give her around two avocados a day (the big kind), a bowl of watermelon and a bowl of apples. So far I can tell she definitely has more energy. I do think in the long run she will get healthier but wish me luck. I am applying for some financial aid online to try and get the lumps removed and maybe that combined with raw foods will help Daisy to heal. Send us your healing energy and I will keep you updated on her status.


  1. Aw, I hope Daisy does well!!! Good luck Daisy.. be strong! :)

  2. Thanks you guys! Beth, I will definitely try those, thanks for the tip!
    Thanks Candice!

  3. I just found this online; avocados are poisonous to Dogs. It is on the list of things you should never give your Dog.

  4. I also can't find anything about vegan feeding dogs. They are carnivores and need to eat meat to survive. If you are worried about toxins you need to buy free range organic chicken, and grass fed organic beef. But she needs to eat meat. If you are genuinely worried about her, do not continue to feed her a raw vegan diet. Tumors feed on sugar, and right now that is all you are feeding her. I'm going to do more research as well, to give you more information.

  5. I just was recommended this raw dog food.
    You can buy it at Camp Woof, which is on Dekalb Industrial on the way to the Farmer's Market. I think you guys should try this, since it has everything she needs and is raw.
    I hope it works out! We miss you!

  6. my dogs are vegan and are fine. dogs are omnivores and have been eating domesticated foods for a long time. i've read avocados are toxic to dogs but my dogs do fine with them in small amounts.

    my dogs LOVE durian. if you can afford it, add some of that in. my dogs love green smoothies too. i added peanut butter at first to get them interested.

    my dog has some lumps and they are not cancerous. has the vet recommended they be removed?

  7. Ani's Raw Kitchen has raw dog food recipe-- garlic, nuts, seeds, greens, squash, carrots, herbs, and olive oil. She also adds blue-green alage or wakame for extra chlorophyll.

  8. Thanks for all of the comments. I have done some research and found that the seed and the skin are bad for dogs but I am not giving those to Daisy. Overall, I still think she is healthier since we stopped giving her the dog food. She has more energy and life in her. Thanks for the suggestions guys!

  9. Oh, what a sweet face - I sure hope she recovers fully. Someone I know cured her dog of a sore on it's lip with green smoothies.
