
Friday, October 29, 2010

Raw Food and Getting Sick

Sorry you guys haven't heard from me in a while, I have been sick! Yuck! I know raw foodists are not supposed to get sick but I have been sick (feeling unwell) since last Saturday. My symptoms are runny nose, coughing, sneezing, and feeling drained. I can feel myself finally starting to get better but I am still coughing and sneezing. The first thing I want to do when I get sick is figure out why! Is it because lately I have been slacking some with my diet (I have been eating french fries at restaurants, salted roasted peanuts, and corn tortillas). I had a long talk with my brother the other night and he thinks that I need to be taking probiotics to build up the good bacteria in my gut. I took a LOT of antibiotics as a teenager and combined with a healthy diet it could be very likely that my gut needs a make over. My brother makes his own keifer and says he has noticed that since he started when he gets sick it only lasts 2 or 3 days rather than an entire week. So, today I went to the store and bought probiotics and am making sauerkraut to start eating to see if getting good bacteria helps any. So anyways, I thought I would share my protocol I use when I get sick or feel myself starting to get sick. I also wanted to mention that I do end up getting sick about twice a year still which usually happens in the fall and the winter. I will say that I don't get sick as often as before I changed my diet to a healthier one and I usually am able to heal myself without going to the doctor.
My Sick Protocol:
1. When I feel myself starting to get sick I start juicing my veggies. I juice celery, cucumbers, apples, kale, ginger, and carrots and I drink as much as I can. I do this to try and build up my immune system. It is best to stay away from fruit juices or fruit in general when you are sick.
2. I eat garlic or try and use it in whatever I can. Garlic is a natural antibiotic. Sometimes I cut up one or two cloves and swallow it with water.
3. I but healthy cough drops from whole foods. The brand that I buy is called Zand. This brand is sweetened with brown rice syrup and filled with healthy herbs to get you better and ease your throat.
4. Get as much rest as you can. This is something I should have done more of this time, I stayed too active and busy when my body really needed to rest.
5. Make raw veggie soups. This time I have been making raw soups with avocado, tomato, carrot, celery, onion, garlic and salt and pepper to taste. This helps me to get more garlic an onions into my body.
I am hoping that by adding more probiotics to my diet I will be able to reduce the amount and length of time that I get sick. I will keep you posted!


  1. April,
    I find it best to be under the care of a Naturopathic doctor who monitors my body to make sure I am in balance. Unfortunately I haven't found one that I like in the Atlanta area, but I have a phenomenal one in Alabama ... a mere FOUR HOUR drive, but he's so worth it! I only see him when I feel that I am out of balance, so it's not a regular trek over to 'Bama.

    Feel better!!

  2. Even when you eat well, being stressed and tired can take it's toll on the body. Probiotics and sauerkraut are great! I feel a lot better when I drink kombucha too.

  3. I take garlic medicinally too. When I feel a cold coming on, I'll swallow 1 whole clove, and then BAM no more cold. Great, natural medicine. ^_^

    Hope you feel better soon ...

  4. Aww poor you, I've been feeling the same way lately! My mom always says to eat lots of onion and garlic too? She says it fights bacteria (mom!). And I always find that drinking lots of herbal tea and eating oranges and vitamin C helps me out a lot. Hope you get better soon (:

  5. P.S.
    If I feel like I'm coming down with something, in addition to Vitamin C and garlic, I also load up on Zinc, Echinacea and Goldenseal, Colloidal Silver and Vitamin D. Works great for me.

  6. Thanks you guys for the comments! I am so glad that I am starting to feel better! I bought some high powered echinacea and ever since I have been taking it I feel soooooooooo much better! Thank goodness! Thanks for the advice!

  7. Sometimes it's just a virus ... and we all get them (I feel like I'm working on one right now!) But your lifestyle should help you feel better soon.

  8. I know, thanks! Again, I am pretty much better thankgoodness!
